Ending Conversion Therapy: Supporting and Affirming LGBTQ Youth


Course Description

This 6 CE home study course discusses the presents research, clinical expertise, and expert consensus on therapeutic practices related to children’s and adolescent’s sexual orientation and gender identify, and makes the case for eliminating the use of conversion therapy among this population. This course helps providers understand sexual orientation and gender identity in children and therapeutic efforts with sexual and gender minority youth.

Learning Objectives

Discuss gender identity and gender expression in childhood.
Describe clinical issues of gender minority individuals face in childhood.
Discuss sexual orientation and gender in adolescence.
Explain risk factors for health and well being faced by sexual or gender minority youth.
Describe the influence of religion and spirituality on sexual minority adolescents.
Describe the appropriate interventions for distress in children, adolescents, and families.
Discuss the therapeutic efforts with sexual and gender minority youth.

Samhsa Mental Health Service

Course Certificate
(75% of quiz marks)



Duration 6 hours