Use of the MMPI-3 and MPQ in Preemployment Psychological Evaluations of Correctional Officer Candidates

About the Course

The Creating Futures Through Technology Conference – MaxCoach Tech Center is sponsored jointly by the Mississippi Community College Board and the Mississippi Universities Board with a goal of promoting collaboration as well as transforming teaching and learning on college campuses.

Celebrating our 20th anniversary this year on the gulf coast, the annual conference is designed to be the key venue where the higher education faculty, administrators and IT professionals come to share with one another their strategies, methods, and best practices with their fellow educators.

With the theme, Reshaping the Future: Artificial Intelligence, Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality, the primary focus for the conference is on EdTech, but there are also sessions on networks, data security, etc.

This is an excellent marketing opportunity to reach C-Suite level administrators and influential educators. Some limited vendor exhibitor spaces and sponsorships may still be available with speaking slots for vendor presentations/breakout sessions.

This intermediate level workshop is for psychologists engaged or interested in preemployment psychological screenings of correctional officer candidates. This workshop will discuss the use of the MMPI-3 Correctional Candidate Interpretive Report (CCIR) and recently published Multidimensional Personality Questionnaire (MPQ) (MPQ) in preemployment psychological evaluations of correctional officer candidates. This 7-hour workshop will use case studies to illustrate a model for integrating the MMPI-3 and MPQ results with collateral/background information and clinical interview findings to determine a candidate’s psychological suitability for correctional officer and other public safety positions. In addition, this workshop will discuss the changes from the MMPI-2/MMPI-2-RF to the MMPI-3; cultural, ethical, and legal considerations; and best practices.

Learning Objectives:
Participants will be able to:
• Summarize the supporting research literature to guide use of the MMPI-3 and MPQ in preemployment psychological evaluations.
• Describe key implications of the primary state and federal statutes relevant to preemployment psychological evaluations of California peace officers.
• Identify best practices in preemployment psychological evaluations of public safety candidates.
• Describe how a candidate’s race, gender, and other protected demographic statuses can still be appropriately considered despite U.S. law prohibiting their use to adjust test scores in preemployment testing.
• Describe a rational strategy for interpreting underreporting scale scores.
• Apply a model (Spilberg & Corey, 2022) for integrating data from multiple data sources, including information from written tests, personal history, and clinical interview, when conducting preemployment evaluations of public safety candidates.

  • Cost: $325.00
  • Total Slot: 60
  • Booked Slot: 0

This event has expired


Marriott Los Angeles Airport

5855 W Century Blvd, Los Angeles, CA 90045
Phone Number (310) 641-5700

Our Speakers

David Corey
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